It is 2017! The New Year is a good time to bring on the new you. While most people vow to make all kinds of self-improvements such as quit smoking or stop eating chocolate, we’re giving you some resolutions to improve your computer habits.

I will back up my data daily
In order to protect your important files – it’s vital that you back up your data on a regular basis. There are great ways to back up your files either manually or in the cloud if you’d rather have your data backed up automatically each day.

I will save my files often.
Many software programs, like the Microsoft Office suite, have Autosave and recovery features that make backups every few minutes in case something unthinkable happens. However, Autosave can’t always be relied on, what if it doesn’t work or still misses recent changes to a spreadsheet, document, e-mail, etc.?

I will delete unnecessary files and organise.
If you’re like most people, you may have a raft of files and programs on your computer that you no longer need or want. It might take a chunk out of your day, but take some time to delete these files. Your computer will thank you for it since you’ll also have more space and a speedier PC as a result.

Once you’ve deleted all of your unnecessary files, try sorting through the ones you have left and organising them by year. This way, you’ll be able to find important photos and files much more quickly and easily.

I will keep my software and operating system up-to-date.
I will keep windows up-to-date, web browsers, antivirus software, plug-ins, and other software regularly. Although doing so can be a hassle, it is still less of a hassle than dealing with a virus or other malware attack and possibly losing all of my files.

I will clean out my inbox
Email inboxes can easily become cluttered and disorganised. In addition to cleaning out files on a computer, cleaning out unnecessary emails should also be near the top of your New Year’s to-do list.

I will try something new
The New Year is an excellent time to jump into fresh experiences, so why not try something new on the computer?  For instance, if you’re still using Internet Explorer, why not give another browser a try like Google Chrome or Firefox?

I will spend time away from the computer
While computers are a brilliant tool, it’s important to remember to step away from the glowing screen from time to time – no, taking your laptop out of the office doesn’t count.

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